Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

We celebrated Thanksgiving Day with a fried turkey and took some pilgrim candids as part of an activity. 
Just off the boat. I hear only 5 women survived the trip.

Second cousin Makenzie reading with the babies.  She was the flower girl in our wedding.  Yikes, she grew up!

All of the cousins together.  I love baby Ryan's expression in the background!

Ryan and Rowan

Uncle Chris with baby Ryan

Arthur had to find the tricycle when he was at GiGi and Papa's house.

"Property of Mom Forever" - Love it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hockey Time

I'm a little bit behind with the posts, but there will be plenty this week. 

We went to the Thrashers vs. Capitals hockey game last Friday night. 

We had very special visitors join us for the weekend and they were helpful with Arthur.  Before the game, we stopped by the CNN Center food court and hung out for a bit.  Art doesn't understanding that hanging out means sitting still. Luckily, Grammy was helpful.

He did well during the hockey game and loved the fire coming out of the Thrasher's mouth after the team scored.

He found the program and was looking through it.  He saw something he liked. 

(He actually pointed to their belly buttons because they are exposed.  Hilarious!)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tiny Tots & Tunes

We went to music class every Tuesday morning.  He doesn't care much about it, but it gets us out of the house.

This is usually what happens. He doesn't like to participate much. He may shake a maraca, but he'd rather observe.

Looks like all the babies got restless and of course, Art in the back.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Let's Go Sam'sing

So, it doesn't have the same jingle as "Let's Go Krogering," but whatever.  I love the carts at Sam's because you can put two kids side by side.  Here's the kiddos through the months.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fall = Yardwork

It's a good thing he doesn't know that he should jump in the leaves.  This was round 2 of cleaning up leaves that had fallen off of trees.  We don't have a forest in the backyard either.

Ah, a grassless backyard.  It's breath-taking, really.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Here Doggie, Doggie

Here's another day at the O'Connor house:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mr. Fixit

The neighbors across the street gave us GiGi and Papa a small bike for the kiddies to play on.

The seat was a little far back so Papa Jim fixed it for Arthur.

Art loved the tools.

He loved helping Papa Jim just as much.

Checking it out.

Afterwards, Papa Jim pushed him around the kitchen.  He loved riding the new bike!

Friday, November 12, 2010

First Birthday Celebration

It was our friend Nico's (short for Nicolas) first birthday last weekend.  We were all invited to Little Bears Indoor Playground to celebrate.  This place is tons of fun for the little ones and parents.  The floor is wide open and the parents can sit in a separate area while still being able to see their child, but do something completely different. 

They started up the bubble machine.  It was a hit!

The theme was dinosaurs.  Since everyone had to wear socks, the babies were given some dinosaur feet. Sooo cute!

This place is like a huge basement room filled with all sorts of baby toys.

Welcome to my house!

Nico, the birthday boy, is in the red pants to the right.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Feeding Time

It has been a while since you saw the food pictures so I am posting a few for you to see.

Peas and chicken nuggets.   A favorite...

Daddy looks at him out of the corner of his eye.  Arthur likes to copy and tries to do it back.  He mostly squints, but here he is kind of doing it.

A smile for the camera.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

After Halloween Playdate

We were supposed to have a playdate before Halloween, but one of my friends had a family issue that she needed to take care of so the playdate was delayed to the following week.

The king costume was gross so I decided to pull this one out of the closet.  He looks like the kid from Christmas Story when he had to wear the pink bunny costume.

Joey was a pirate.  

Out of costumes now.  Next year we may have to go with something that doesn't really feel like a costume.

Art likes the ball pit.  His new thing is throwing the balls.  Daddy taught him that trick at home and he does it everywhere.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We went to the aquarium last week with Erin and Quinn.  It was nice to get more use out of our season passes. 

He LOVES pointing to airplanes and will find them in the sky. I think we have him hooked after the Blue Angels Show.

It was so nice to leave the stroller in the car. Life is completely different again.  He was able to stand on the moving sidewalk on his own as well.

This is how Quinn talks to his friends.  We'll see this first hand next year.

We did more of the play area this time rather than looking at the fish. 

Checking out the touch pool.

Erin and Quinn at the touch pool.

He kept torturing me by walking under the low ceiling.  I have to duck down, but he can walk perfectly.  I can't let him go alone either!

He liked talking to Deepo.

Get those jitters out early!

The boys ran around outside after the aquarium.  I think they liked it just as much as being inside.  Art found a rock so he was set.

He passed out in the car after visiting the fish.  He is still holding a book he was playing with.