Art has been growing like crazy and is in his final days of wearing his newborn sized clothes. He can now fit into 0-3 month clothes. We are excited about the new wardrobe but he won't be able to wear his baby clothes that we brought him home from the hospital in! The sleeves in his t-shirts from the hospital are also too short now because his arms are so long. We have a one month doctor visit this week so we'll see how much he weighs now. He is also outgrowing the newborn napper in the pack and play so he may graduate to the full pack and play soon.
He gets more alert each day and is able to focus on things so interaction is more fun. Here's a picture of him playing on his mat. He hit a few of the toys repeatedly and enjoyed looking at his handsome face in the mirror. (Playtime didn't last long since he got a little bored and tired. Baby steps!) His neck is getting much stronger now and can almost support his head. We love how he is growing, but miss our little boy.

Here's a video of him learning how things make noise!
I wish I could hold him and squeeze him, he's so cute and you are right, his arms are so long!!