Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to Atlanta

We threw a shower for my sister-in-law, Kim.  She's due in June and they're keeping us in suspense as to the sex of the baby.  It will be exciting to find out once he/she is born! (My guess is a girl... We'll see if I am right in June.)

What a colorfully clad bunch!

Art eats snacks in the afternoon and now we are trying to wean him from his 4 PM feeding.  (sniffle...)  Rowan tried her best to grab some food off of his plate.  She loves the puffs.

Can you believe my aunt made this cake?  She could charge a fortune for these things.  It was so beautiful and tasty.

Alex and Kim brought huge suitcases to bring their goodies home on the plane. Alex had the bright idea to put Rowan in a suitcase.  She loved it!

We had more fun visitors last weekend as well.  Anthony and his girlfriend drove down for a long weekend.  We did some Atlanta-rific stuff.
First stop, the Varsity.  The Varsity is right off of GT's campus.  I think I ate there one time in college (and I think that was a late night fiasco).  We usually avoid this place because it is greasy, but I have been misguided all these years.  It was tasty and not as I remembered. Now, how can I get Brian to return?  

Here's Art ordering two chili dogs and onion rings.  The disappointing part is that their sweet tea had lemon in it...

Art asking, "What'll ya have?" (This is how the cashiers tell you they are ready for your order.) He liked the paper hat, but hopefully his calling is not working for the Varsity.

We visited the aquarium next.  Art was asleep during the last trip.  This time he watched a little bit more.  I love the touch pools, but Art doesn't have long enough arms or good control to touch the sharks and rays.  

He'd still rather chew on his stroller.

The alligators liked to get close to the spectators and would swim close to the glass.  Glad there is a nice boundary between us.  This was creepy. 

Art wanted the otters to play.  They have been lazy the last two times we visited.

This one may not be easy to see, but it is looking up into the mouth at one of the sharks. This one would eat you.

The aquarium was fun and we hope to get back.  They are building a dolphin exhibit that should open this summer.  YAY!
We went to the Brick Store in Decatur for dinner.  I think this is what European pubs look like with the natural wood tables and stools for chairs.  Art's hook on chair would only fit on one part of the table.  It had a grown up vibe as well so it really put me in a panic when he got a little too loud!  We kept the gerber puffs flowing.

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