Friday, September 3, 2010

Arthur Visits the Beach

We can't really call this Arthur's first trip to the beach because we did have one failed attempt at the beginning of the year in Marco Island, FL.  Unfortunately, it was in the 40s all week so we didn't get to soak up any sun then.  I will say that we had good karma this time and had beautiful weather all week.  A few more breezes would have been nice, but I won't complain.

I love this picture.  What a cutie pie.

Here was the setup for 3 out of the 4 days.  The tailgating tent was fantastic for the beach.  The sun wasn't always directly overhead so you had to follow the shade, but it was nice to have the option.

This is the first time Art touched sand.  He liked playing in it.  I taught him how to crush sandcastles and say boom while doing so.  It was hilarious.  We did the same thing with blocks inside and you can imagine how happy that made his 3 year old cousin who had just built a tall tower of blocks.

Art and Daddy going to the water.

I can't remember if we touched 5 month old Arthur's feet in the water during the last beach trip.  Well, either way, this is the first time he touched the Atlantic Ocean.

He enjoyed the beach, but on Wednesday when we took him out, he kept rubbing his eye.  Neither of us had clean hands so we had to take him inside.  We tried holding him down and opening his eye so we coudl flush it with saline solution, but he is a strong little man. Thanks to Lynn who had the solution of continually dumping water over his head in the tub.  This was the aftermath.

Staying inside was not such a bad thing after all.  We finally caught the ice cream truck that tempted us with the high pitched midi tunes.  You are thinking of the music now, huh? This is the first time cousin Hugh saw the truck.   

Art got to sample the goodies thanks to Great Grandma.

Here was one of his favorites of the beach house.  He would climb into one of the cabinets and play in there.  Luckily, I filled it with plastic plates at the beginning of the week.  Surprisingly enough, he didn't fall out backwards and bonk his head on the floor.

Giving Uncle Anthony a hug goodnight.

And...due to an evening thunderstorm, we lost our shade. There are two tents here by the way.

This was the setup for the last two days.  We left them out every night because it can be a chore to move them back and forth.  We were able to avoid theft, but Mother Nature decided to take them down instead.  Karma wasn't with us after all.  We still enjoyed ourselves for Art's first dip in the water and play in the sand! 

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