Friday, May 7, 2010

Cloth Diapering 101

Yep, you read it. Our family is moving exclusively to cloth diapers. I have been doing research over the past few weeks and decided that I wanted to convert. I always thought that cloth diapers meant folding those white cloths and pinning them with really large safety pins. Wow, I was wrong. Those still exist (and are called flat or prefolds), but there are also all-in-ones, pocket diapers, and all-in-twos. After several evenings of research, I invested in several of an all-in-two diaper brand called Flip. The inner absorbent layer tucks under flaps on the cover. Instead of washing the entire diaper, I only have to wash the cloth layer and wipe the cover when it gets dirty. I love how many colors you can purchase.  They are such a cute option.

Here's Art sporting the new diaper.  

The white piece is the absorbent layer.  It is really thick which makes these diapers a little more bulky than their disposable cousins. The other two are covers in different colors.  We have 3 in all so far. The blue one is showing the inside and the green one is the outside.  When we change him, we just have a new cover with insert ready to go.  The process is very similar to disposables except solids go into the toilet and the insert goes into a separate laundry basket that will eventually make its way to the wash.  


Art says, "Good Choice." Ok, he can't talk yet, but that is what he may say due to all of the benefits.  Sure, it *can be* gross, but really, investing in cloth is the way to go.  We won't have to continuously purchase disposables and we're also helping out the planet.  I've found over the past two days that it is pretty easy so I have been happy with the change. Brian was reluctant to change, but he understands the benefits. After all, there is no turning back now.  I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes!

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